Friday 8 May 2020

T3.6 Friday Tasks

Good morning everyone, it’s the wonderful Friday again! Let’s start with our learning today!

Creative art – Design a robot and explain its main functions. Describe its movement using adverbs.

Literacy – seesaw activity “Language of Chance”.

Reading – seesaw activity “The Day the Crayons Quit Reading Response”.

Maths – seesaw activity “Fraction Assessment”.

MFL – Check out the blog for MFL details. You will have zoom with your teacher (teacher Garri for Mandarin or teacher Fatin for Malay) at 9.30am. Zoom details can refer back to seesaw under inbox (class announcement).
Anything please feel free to email them:

Tests - Spelling and tables test to be done by parents. Kindly do it before 8.15am so that we could share our results when everyone gets together during zoom.

Kindly click here for the spelling and table tests information for next Friday.

Assembly - Live assembly for Year 1 to 6 at 10.30am. Zoom details refer back to seesaw inbox (class announcement).

Whole class zoom at 8.15am. Remember to get your tests results ready. Everyone please login to teacher Grainne zoom ID and password.

See you later!