Tuesday 2 June 2020

T3b.1 Tuesday Tasks

Good morning everyone, hope you had a great holiday and welcome back to virtual learning!

Literacy – write a recount of your holiday or a special event. Remember to use the 5 W’s (who? When? Where? What? Why?). Remember to include details.

Reading – seesaw activity “Creepy Carrots - Connection Activity”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Comparing Weights #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – This term, our new topic will be “Creepy Crawlies”. We will be learning all about different types of minibeasts. Before that, we would like you to complete the “KWL chart” at seesaw to tell us what you already know and what you want to know about this topic. DO NOT do the last column yet.

PE – Check out the blog by Mr. Russell for your PE tasks. Remember to upload them to seesaw.

Fun – seesaw activity “My Favorite Things this Year”.

Weekly Tasks – Continue to do your TT Rockstars daily. Spelling test will be starting next week. Please revise your timetables from x2 to x12 for this Friday.

You will also need to do your interesting facts on letter “C”. Remember 6 facts is needed and draw a picture of it. Kindly upload your interesting facts to seesaw once you are done before Friday and we will pick some to share during our zoom session on Thursday!

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
Second zoom at 12.45pm.

See you later!