Monday 8 June 2020

T3b.2 Monday Tasks

Good morning everyone and it is another brand-new week. Let us begin our activities for today.

Literacy – watch the video below about a fable story called “The ant and the Grasshopper”.
Then click here to do the boxing up for the story.

Reading – seesaw activity “That’s My Monster”.

Maths – seesaw activities “counting in fractions #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – seesaw activity “Minnesota Zoo: Biomes, Habitats and Ecosystems”.

Music – Monday is our Music day, make sure you check out the Music task today on the blog

Fun – seesaw activity “Nature Insect Sculptures”.

Weekly Tasks – Continue to do your TT Rockstars daily. Practise your spellings and tables sent last Friday.

You will also need to do your interesting facts on letter “D”. Remember 6 facts is needed and draw a picture of it. Kindly upload your interesting facts to seesaw once you are done before Friday and we will pick some to share during our zoom session on Thursday!

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
Second zoom at 12.45pm.

See you later!