Thursday 11 June 2020

T3b.2 Thursday Tasks

Good morning everyone and let us start with our Thursday’s activities.

Click here for your worksheets. Just choose one to do.

Reading – seesaw activity “City Mouse and Country Mouse Reading Response". 

Maths – seesaw activities “Subtraction #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – seesaw activity “Life Cycle of a Frog”.

Fun – seesaw activity “Who Inspires You?”

Live Music – We will be having a special live music with the ISB Bandar teacher, Mr Paul England, at 1.30pm today. Please refer to seesaw inbox (class announcement) for the zoom details. As the zoom can only hold 100 participants, the lesson will also be streamed LIVE via Youtube. However, the link will only be available right before the session. We will post it at seesaw inbox (class announcement) at 1.30pm.

Live PE - Remember special PE zoom session with Mr Russell at 10.30am. Refer to zoom ID and password under seesaw inbox (class announcement).

As usual, continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.

See you later!