Monday 15 June 2020

T3b.3 Monday Tasks

Good morning Year 2 and welcome to Monday’s activities.

Literacy – Play the letter game with any family members. You can start the game with any alphabet you like. The fastest to finish will be the winner and winner gets to choose the alphabet for the next round.

Reading – seesaw activity “When A Dragon Moves In”.

Maths – watch the video from ISB Bandar
Click here for the worksheets.

Topic – seesaw activity “Mystery Science - Why do Cats Purr?”

Music – Check out the blog for today’s music tasks.

Fun – seesaw activity “Butterflies: Line of Symmetry”.

Weekly Tasks – Continue to do your TT Rockstars daily. Practise your spellings and tables sent last Friday.

You will also need to do your interesting facts on letter “E”. Remember 6 facts is needed and draw a picture of it. Kindly upload your interesting facts to seesaw once you are done before Friday and we will pick some to share during our zoom session on Thursday!

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.

See you later!