Tuesday 9 June 2020

T3b.2 Tuesday Tasks

Good morning year 2. Are you ready for Tuesday’s activities?

Literacy – Listen to the story “Zog and theflying doctors”. Or you can read the story by clicking here. Then answer all questions given in the worksheet here in complete sentences.

Reading – seesaw activity “Please Please the Bees”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Fractions #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – seesaw activity “How a Caterpillar becomes a Butterfly”.

PE – Check out the blog by Mr. Russell for your PE tasks. Remember to upload them to seesaw.

Fun – seesaw activity “Brain Break – Ants Go Marching”.

Remember to continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

First Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.
Second session at 12.45pm.

See you later!