Sunday 5 July 2020

Holiday homework

Holiday Homework.

Remember to make it as beautifully presented as you can :-)

Wednesday 17 June 2020

T3b.3 Wednesday Tasks

Good morning everyone. Today is our last day of virtual learning!

Fun – Making a greeting card.

Literacy – watch this video from ISB Bandar
Click here for the worksheets

Reading – seesaw activity “Beauty and the Beast Read Aloud”.

Click here for your worksheets.

Topic – seesaw activity “Worms are Wonderful”.

Health and Fitness – Today is swimming day, check out the task given by Mr Russell at the blog.

As usual, continue doing your TT rockstars, practise your spellings and tables as well as your interesting facts.

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
See you later!

PE Wet Wednesday 17/06/2020

Good morning everyone and welcome to your last digital PE lesson.

Tomorrow we are all back in school and we will be doing our Health and Fitness lessons live and in person. On the days that you have a Health and Fitness lesson you should come to school in your PE kit and you will stay in your PE kit for the whole day.

Your first Health and Fitness lesson is Tomorrow
Please come to school in your PE kit

For your last Digital lesson here is your 
Wake Up Workout

Here is your Swimming, Core and Yoga Workout

I am looking forward to seeing you all again in school and being able to teach you live and in person when we have our Health and Fitness lessons.

Have a great last day of Digital learning
See you all tomorrow.

Mr. Russell

Tuesday 16 June 2020

T3b.3 Tuesday Tasks

Good morning everyone, let us begin with our Tuesday’s activities.

Click here for the writing template or you can do it on a plain paper.

Reading – seesaw activity “The Hula-Hoopin’ Queen”.

Click here for your worksheets.

Art – Watch this video from ISB Bandar to learn the art of a Bruneian artist
Click here for the pdf version.
Then watch this video on how to create your own Maziyah Yussof inspired square.
Click here for the ready drawn squares.

Health and Fitness – Check out the blog by Mr. Russell for your PE tasks. Remember to upload them to seesaw.

Fun – seesaw activity “Germ Wars”.

Remember to continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.

See you later!

PE Tuesday 16/06/2020

Your Wake Up Workout

Your Main Workout

Remember today is the last day to submit your challenge videos
So if you haven't had a go at this week's challenge today is the day.
Don't forget to upload your challenge video to your class seesaw.

New Challenge tomorrow + Dry land swimming

LIVE PE on Thursday

Mr. Russell

Monday 15 June 2020

T3b.3 Monday Tasks

Good morning Year 2 and welcome to Monday’s activities.

Literacy – Play the letter game with any family members. You can start the game with any alphabet you like. The fastest to finish will be the winner and winner gets to choose the alphabet for the next round.

Reading – seesaw activity “When A Dragon Moves In”.

Maths – watch the video from ISB Bandar
Click here for the worksheets.

Topic – seesaw activity “Mystery Science - Why do Cats Purr?”

Music – Check out the blog for today’s music tasks.

Fun – seesaw activity “Butterflies: Line of Symmetry”.

Weekly Tasks – Continue to do your TT Rockstars daily. Practise your spellings and tables sent last Friday.

You will also need to do your interesting facts on letter “E”. Remember 6 facts is needed and draw a picture of it. Kindly upload your interesting facts to seesaw once you are done before Friday and we will pick some to share during our zoom session on Thursday!

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.

See you later!

Music 15th June

Good morning and welcome to your music virtual lesson.

Watch the video from ISB Bandar

Vocal Work
This week we have a brand new song;

Blast from the Past (Song Review)

Enjoying singing two of our previously learnt songs;

Today features a Wind Quintet. How many instruments in a quintet? Can you name instruments playing?

PE Start of Week 11 15/06/2020

Your Monday morning Wake Up Workout

Your Main Workout for today

Remember your challenge ends at the end of the day on Tuesday so you still have time to practice and get in a final attempt, don't forget to upload your attempts to your class seesaw.

New Challenge on Wednesday
LIVE PE on Thursday


Friday 12 June 2020

T3b.2 Friday Tasks

Good morning everyone and it is Friday again, hopefully it’s our last day of virtual learning!

Art – Make a Thank You card for your Mum and Dad who have supported you greatly throughout this virtual learning. Without them, everything will be impossible.

Then create your own scene and write ideas for it. Don't forget to upload to seesaw. 

Reading – seesaw activity “Fun Read Aloud”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Subtraction #1 or 2”.

Fun – seesaw activity “Take a Break”.

MFL – Check out the blog for MFL details. You will have zoom with your teacher (teacher Garri for Mandarin or teacher Fatin for Malay) at 9.30am. Zoom details can refer back to seesaw under inbox (class announcement).
Anything please feel free to email them:

Tests –Spelling and tables test to be done by parents. Kindly do it before 8.15am so that we could share our results when everyone gets together during zoom. Your tables test will be a mixture of ÷2, ÷4 and ÷6, 20 questions to be given.

Kindly click here for the spelling and table tests information for next Friday.

Assembly - Live assembly for Year 1 to 6 at 10.30am. Zoom details refer back to seesaw inbox (class announcement).

Whole class zoom at 8.15am. Remember to get your tests results ready. Everyone please login to teacher Grainne zoom ID and password.

See you later!

PE End of Week 10 12/06/2020

Here is your end of week Wake Up Workout

Here is some Yoga to help you unwind ready for the weekend

Have a great weekend

Mr. Russell

Thursday 11 June 2020

T3b.2 Thursday Tasks

Good morning everyone and let us start with our Thursday’s activities.

Click here for your worksheets. Just choose one to do.

Reading – seesaw activity “City Mouse and Country Mouse Reading Response". 

Maths – seesaw activities “Subtraction #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – seesaw activity “Life Cycle of a Frog”.

Fun – seesaw activity “Who Inspires You?”

Live Music – We will be having a special live music with the ISB Bandar teacher, Mr Paul England, at 1.30pm today. Please refer to seesaw inbox (class announcement) for the zoom details. As the zoom can only hold 100 participants, the lesson will also be streamed LIVE via Youtube. However, the link will only be available right before the session. We will post it at seesaw inbox (class announcement) at 1.30pm.

Live PE - Remember special PE zoom session with Mr Russell at 10.30am. Refer to zoom ID and password under seesaw inbox (class announcement).

As usual, continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.

See you later!

PE TakeOver Thursday 11/06/2020

Apologies for the lack of video this morning but I have had a small technical issue so this is just a Photo.

Welcome to Take Over Thursday where I will once again be taking over your class for 
LIVE PE at 1030

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Your Main Workout today is your LIVE PE at 1030
Please can we try and get as many of you in this workout as possible to make this the best PE TakeOver we have ever done.
I look forward to seeing you all at 1030, until then enjoy your Wake Up Workout and I will speak to you all a little later.

Mr. Russell

Wednesday 10 June 2020

T3b.2 Wednesday Tasks

Good morning year 2, here comes our Wednesday’s activities.

Click here for your worksheet.
Click here for search engine.

Literacy – watch this video from ISB Bandar
Click here for your worksheet.

Reading – seesaw activity “I Want My Hat Back Read Aloud”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Rounding to nearest Ten #1, 2 or 3”.

PEToday is swimming day, check out the task given by Mr Russell at the blog.

Fun – seesaw activity “How can a pet be an important friend?”

As usual, continue doing your TT rockstars, practise your spellings and tables as well as your interesting facts.

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.

See you later!

PE Wednesday 10/06/2020

Here is your mid week Wake Up Workout

Here is your core, swimming and yoga Workout 

Your challenge for this week is:
Alternating Hand Rebound
Here is a video to show you what to do:

You will need a flat wall and a tennis ball, stand 2m from the wall, throw the ball with one hand and catch with the other. Count each catch you make, how many catches can you make in 30s? 

Remember your challenge runs until the end of Tuesday next week.

LIVE PE TakeOver Tomorrow at 1030
Lets make this the best one yet with everyone there.

Have a great Wednesday
Mr. Russell

Tuesday 9 June 2020

T3b.2 Tuesday Tasks

Good morning year 2. Are you ready for Tuesday’s activities?

Literacy – Listen to the story “Zog and theflying doctors”. Or you can read the story by clicking here. Then answer all questions given in the worksheet here in complete sentences.

Reading – seesaw activity “Please Please the Bees”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Fractions #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – seesaw activity “How a Caterpillar becomes a Butterfly”.

PE – Check out the blog by Mr. Russell for your PE tasks. Remember to upload them to seesaw.

Fun – seesaw activity “Brain Break – Ants Go Marching”.

Remember to continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

First Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.
Second session at 12.45pm.

See you later!

PE Tuesday 09/06/2020

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Here is your main workout (you will need a chair or step and a mat for today's exercises)

Remember today is the last day to submit your challenge videos from the challenge I set you on Wednesday last week, so if you have not had a go yet please have a go and do your best.
Don't forget to record your attempt and then send it to your class Seesaw. Good Luck.

New challenge set tomorrow, and LIVE PE TakeOver on Thursday at 1030

Have a great day

Monday 8 June 2020

T3b.2 Monday Tasks

Good morning everyone and it is another brand-new week. Let us begin our activities for today.

Literacy – watch the video below about a fable story called “The ant and the Grasshopper”.
Then click here to do the boxing up for the story.

Reading – seesaw activity “That’s My Monster”.

Maths – seesaw activities “counting in fractions #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – seesaw activity “Minnesota Zoo: Biomes, Habitats and Ecosystems”.

Music – Monday is our Music day, make sure you check out the Music task today on the blog

Fun – seesaw activity “Nature Insect Sculptures”.

Weekly Tasks – Continue to do your TT Rockstars daily. Practise your spellings and tables sent last Friday.

You will also need to do your interesting facts on letter “D”. Remember 6 facts is needed and draw a picture of it. Kindly upload your interesting facts to seesaw once you are done before Friday and we will pick some to share during our zoom session on Thursday!

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
Second zoom at 12.45pm.

See you later!

Music 8th June

Good morning and welcome to your virtual music lesson.

Watch the video from ISB Bandar:

Vocal Work

This week we have a brand new song to learn. It will help us to learn and remember the months of the year;

Blast from the Past (Song Review)

Enjoy singing two of our previously learnt songs;

Listen and Compose Activity

Can you make these monsters sing a melody by changing the pitch of their voices?
Click on the link below to go straight to their webpage and have some fun!

PE Start of Week 10 08/06/2020

I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to do some exercise between rain storms and had a go at this weeks challenge set on Wednesday.

To get your week started here is a quick Wake Up Workout for you.

Here is your main workout for the start of Week 10

Don't forget your weekly challenge ends at the end of the day on Tuesday so make sure you remember to have a go and send in your video to your class Seesaw.

New Challenge will be set on Wednesday

LIVE PE TakeOver on Thursday

Have a Great Week

Mr. Russell

Friday 5 June 2020

T3b.1 Friday Tasks

Good morning year 2. It is the fun Friday today!

Topic – Creepy crawlies hunt around your surroundings. Go around your house, neighbourhood or even a forest park and see how many different creepy crawlies you can find. 

Click here for the worksheets.

Reading – seesaw activity “Lacey Walker Nonstop Talker”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Measuring length #1, 2 or 3”.

Fun – seesaw activity “Baby Yoda Directed Drawing”.

MFL – Check out the blog for MFL details. You will have zoom with your teacher (teacher Garri for Mandarin or teacher Fatin for Malay) at 9.30am. Zoom details can refer back to seesaw under inbox (class announcement).
Anything please feel free to email them:

TestsClick here for your table test today. Kindly do it before 8.15am so that we could share our results when everyone gets together during zoom.

Kindly click here for the spelling and table tests information for next Friday.

Assembly - Live assembly for Year 1 to 6 at 10.30am. Zoom details refer back to seesaw inbox (class announcement).

Whole class zoom at 8.15am. Remember to get your tests results ready. Everyone please login to teacher Grainne zoom ID and password.

See you later!

PE End of Week 9 05/06/2020

Your Wake Up Workout

Some Yoga to help get ready for the weekend

Don't forget to have a few attempts at your challenge that I set this week.

Also remember to keep going with your 30 day challenge

Have a lovely weekend
See you Monday for some more Digital PE

Mr. Russell

Thursday 4 June 2020

T3b.1 Thursday Tasks

Good morning everyone, let’s begin with our Thursday’s activities.

Art – Making props to turn yourself into minibeasts. It can be a mask, wings etc. Click here for some examples.

Click here for the letters which you need to colour the different features of the letter using different colours as ordered.

Reading – seesaw activity “Elmer Reading Response". 

Maths – seesaw activities “Measuring Capacity #1, 2 or 3”.

Fun – seesaw activity “What Should My Teacher Do this Summer?”

Live PE – Remember special PE zoom session with Mr Russell at 10.30am. Refer to zoom ID and password under seesaw inbox (class announcement).

As usual, continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your tables as well as your interesting facts.

First Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
Second session at 12.45pm.

See you later!

PE LIVE TakeOver 04/06/2020

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Your main Workout for today will be your LIVE PE TakeOver at 1030

As mentioned the other day I am going to start giving you information regarding the names of exercises and how to do them, as Yoga is something relatively new to me I had to do some research and I found a really useful resource that I am now sharing with you.

Below is a link to the Yoga resource that I have been using for your Yoga workouts.
The Password to access the files is:

See You ALL at 1030 for LIVE PE

Mr. Russell

Wednesday 3 June 2020

T3b.1 Wednesday Tasks

Good morning year 2 and let us begin with our Wednesday’s activities.

Literacy – watch the video from ISB Bandar
Here are the links to other stories: Dear Teacher, Can I BeYour Dog, Jolly Postman. Now can you identify one thing in common for all these stories? Share with us at seesaw.

Reading – seesaw activity “Molly Lou Melon Character Traits”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Measuring Weights #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – seesaw activity “Bookflix – Spiders”.

PE – Today is swimming day, check out the task given by Mr Russell at the blog.

Fun – seesaw activity “Personal Development - This is Me”.

As usual, continue doing your TT rockstars, practise your tables as well as your interesting facts.

First Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.
Second session at 12.45pm.

See you later!

PE Wednesday 03/06/2020

Your Wake Up Workout

Your HIIT and Yoga Workout (You will need a mat and a stick today)

Your challenge this week is as many Step Ups as you can in 30s. Count a Step Up when you have both feet up on the step.
Below is a video showing how to do a step up (this person is using a large step)
Your challenge runs until the end of the day on Tuesday.

Good Luck with your Challenge this week

Remember LIVE PE TakeOver at 1030 Tomorrow
See You ALL There

Mr. Russell

Tuesday 2 June 2020

T3b.1 Tuesday Tasks

Good morning everyone, hope you had a great holiday and welcome back to virtual learning!

Literacy – write a recount of your holiday or a special event. Remember to use the 5 W’s (who? When? Where? What? Why?). Remember to include details.

Reading – seesaw activity “Creepy Carrots - Connection Activity”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Comparing Weights #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – This term, our new topic will be “Creepy Crawlies”. We will be learning all about different types of minibeasts. Before that, we would like you to complete the “KWL chart” at seesaw to tell us what you already know and what you want to know about this topic. DO NOT do the last column yet.

PE – Check out the blog by Mr. Russell for your PE tasks. Remember to upload them to seesaw.

Fun – seesaw activity “My Favorite Things this Year”.

Weekly Tasks – Continue to do your TT Rockstars daily. Spelling test will be starting next week. Please revise your timetables from x2 to x12 for this Friday.

You will also need to do your interesting facts on letter “C”. Remember 6 facts is needed and draw a picture of it. Kindly upload your interesting facts to seesaw once you are done before Friday and we will pick some to share during our zoom session on Thursday!

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
Second zoom at 12.45pm.

See you later!

PE Start of Week 9 02/06/2020

Welcome back everyone I hope you are all rested and ready for the 2nd half of Term 3
I will be posting more videos as we go through the next couple of weeks with exercises for you to learn and also putting those exercises into workouts in preparation for your return to school.

Until we can see each other we will continue as we were before the half term break with a new challenge set each Wednesday and LIVE PE Takeover on Thursday.

To start your week off here is your 
Wake Up Workout

Here is a HIIT Workout

Have a lovely day

Mr. Russell

Friday 22 May 2020



T3.8 Friday Tasks

Good morning everyone and it’s Friday again!

Fun Friday – Make something related to Hari Raya. It can be a card, a poem, a recipe sharing, arts and crafts for home decoration and etc.

Literacy – Writing an ending to your own story and finalize the whole writing. Try to see whether you can further edit it to make it even better.

Reading – seesaw activity “Substitute Groundhog Listening and Response”.

Maths – watch the video from ISB Bandar
Complete seesaw activities “Solving word problems #1, 2 or 3”.

MFL – Check out the blog for MFL details. You will have zoom with your teacher (teacher Garri for Mandarin or teacher Fatin for Malay) at 9.30am. Zoom details can refer back to seesaw under inbox (class announcement).
Anything please feel free to email them:

Tests - Spelling and tables test to be done by parents. Kindly do it before 8.15am so that we could share our results when everyone gets together during zoom. Your tables test will be a mixture of x8, x10 and x12, 20 questions to be given.

Assembly - Live assembly for Year 1 to 6 at 10.30am. Zoom details refer back to seesaw inbox (class announcement).

Gentle reminder: competition submission due on 29th May, next Friday 12PM.

Whole class zoom at 8.15am. Remember to get your tests results ready. Everyone please login to teacher Grainne zoom ID and password.

See you later!

PE End Of Week 8 22/05/2020

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Here is the Joint ISB Bandar and Seria Workout

Here is Day 5 of the 30 day challenge
Try and keep doing this through the holidays

Remember to:

Do at least 30 min activity every day during the holiday

Keep Active, Eat Healthy and Stay Happy

You have all done an amazing job this half term,
Have a great holiday,
I will see you all again after the Half Term Break.

Mr. Russell

Thursday 21 May 2020

Mandarin on 22nd May - yuèfèn 月份 (months of the year)

Nǐ hǎo! We will meet at 9.30am tomorrow for our Mandarin Zoom. Meeting details can be found on Seesaw.

Our topic is yuèfèn 月份 (months of the year). We will look at how to say January to December in Mandarin Chinese.  

See you then.

Gao Lao Shi

T3.8 Thursday Tasks

Good morning year 2 and we are now onto our Thursday’s learning.

Literacy – Writing the main part of your story which includes the problems and solutions from your previous planning. Remember to do your checklist before submitting.

Reading – seesaw activity “You Don't Want A Unicorn Reading Response”.

Maths – watch the video from ISB Bandar
Complete seesaw activities “Subtraction #1, 2 or 3”.

Art – Design an igloo. You can draw it or make a 3D model of it. Explain to us what materials will you use to build your igloo.

Fun – seesaw activity “Hidden Pictures”.

Music – We will be having a special live music with the ISB Bandar teacher, Mr Paul England, at 1.30pm today. Please refer to seesaw inbox (class announcement) for the zoom details. As the zoom can only hold 100 participants, the lesson will also be streamed LIVE via Youtube. However, the link will only be available right before the session. We will post it at seesaw inbox (class announcement) at 1.30pm.

Remember special PE zoom session with Mr Russell at 10.30am. Refer to zoom ID and password under seesaw inbox (class announcement).

As usual, continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

First Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.
Second session at 12.45pm.

See you later!

PE LIVE Takeover Day 21/05/2020

Your Wake Up Workout

Your main workout today is your

LIVE PE Takeover
at 1030

Remember to:

Keep Practicing your flexibility
Keep doing at least 30min of exercise each day

See You ALL at 1030 for the LIVE PE

Have a great Thursday
Mr. Russell

Wednesday 20 May 2020

T3.8 Wednesday Tasks

Good morning everyone and let us begin with our Wednesday’s activities.

Literacy – Writing an introduction for your story based on yesterday’s planning. Remember to give your story a title. Here are some examples for you to refer to.

Reading – seesaw activity “The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin Reading Response”.

Maths – watch the video below from ISB Bandar
Complete seesaw activities “Addition of 3 numbers #1, 2 or 3”.

Topic – Click the link below to learn on some of the Antarctica animals
Then choose one favourite animal to fill in the worksheet as attached here. You need to write down the name of the animal you choose, draw a picture of it and write down at least 6 facts you have learned about the animal.

PE – Today is swimming day. Check out the task given by Mr. Russell at the blog.

Fun – seesaw activity “Weather Fact/Opinion”.

As usual, continue doing your TT rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

First Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
Second session at 12.45pm.

See you later!

PE Wet Wednesday (almost) 20/05/2020

Your morning Wake Up Workout

Your Swim, Core and Yoga Workout

Stage 1 Day 3 of the 30 day challenge

Your New Challenge Is

To Make Sure You Do A MINIMUM 30min Exercise Each Day
Challenge for yourself to do something new

Have a Great Wednesday

Mr. Russell

Tuesday 19 May 2020

T3.8 Tuesday Tasks

Good morning year 2 and welcome to our Tuesday’s activities.

Literacy – Brainstorming ideas for your own story. Watch the video below from ISB Bandar
Click here for the resources.

Reading – seesaw activity “Duck! Rabbit! Reading Response”.

Maths – Addition Game with a friend or family. Watch the video from ISB Bandar
Complete seesaw activities “Addition Game #1, 2 or 3”. Clickhere for the interactive dice.

Topic – Click on the below link to learn about some of the landmarks in Antarctica.
Then choose three favourite landmarks to fill in the table as attached here.

PE – Check out the blog by Mr. Russell for your PE tasks. Remember to upload them to seesaw.

Fun – seesaw activity “Fun Design Challenge!”

Remember to continue doing your TT Rockstars, practise your spelling and tables as well as your interesting facts.

First Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Senny.
Group B with teacher Grainne.
Second session at 12.45pm.

See you later!

PE Tuesday 19/05/2020

Yesterday I asked you to think about where you need flexibility in your sport and how you can improve it.
Today I would like you to think of another sport and where you would use flexibility in that sport, can you incorporate that into your flexibility routine that you should be working on.

Here is your morning Wake Up Workout

Here is today's Yoga.

Here is your link to Stage 1, Day 2 of the 30 Day Challenge

Remember your weekly challenge ends at the end of today, so make sure you upload those challenge videos to your seesaw for me to see.
New Challenge Tomorrow

Have a great Tuesday

Mr. Russell

Monday 18 May 2020

T3.8 Monday Tasks

Good morning everyone and welcome to our last week of virtual learning for this half term.

Literacy – Complete a crossword puzzle. In a crossword you have to answer clues and fit them into the grid. They need to be correct because some letters are used across two words! Click here for the worksheet.

Reading – seesaw activity “oo/ew/ou Phonics Practice”.

Maths – seesaw activities “Money Counting #1, 2 and 3”.

Topic – watch the video to learn about facts on Antarctica
Complete the worksheet attached here. You might need to do extra research to find the answers. 

Music – Monday is our Music day, make sure you check out the Music task today on the blog.

Fun – seesaw activity “All About My Selfie”.

Weekly Tasks – Continue to do your TT Rockstars daily. Practise your spellings and tables sent last Friday.

You will also need to do your interesting facts on letter “B”. Remember 6 facts is needed and draw a picture of it. Kindly upload your interesting facts to seesaw once you are done before Friday and we will pick some to share during our zoom session on Thursday!

Zoom session at 8.15am.
Group A with teacher Grainne.
Group B with teacher Senny.
Second zoom at 12.45pm.

See you later!